bonsai gold

Bonsai Gold Premium Organic Bonsai Food

BG1 Bonsai Gold -3 Ounce Tablets $  5.95 Buy Me
BG3 Bonsai Gold Plus Liquid -   8 Ounce - Makes over 2-1/2 Gallons $ 14.95 Buy Me
BG4 Bonsai Gold Plus Liquid - 16 Ounce - Makes over 5 Gallons $ 22.95 Buy Me
BG5 Bonsai Gold Plus Liquid - 32 Ounce - Makes over 10 Gallons $ 32.95 Buy Me

For the serious bonsai enthusiasts and novice alike, Bonsai Gold offers a plant food
that is not just good for all your bonsai, it is specifically made for them.
Available in tablets which are placed under the soil every 2 inches every 3 months, or liquid concentrate.
If using the liquid mix 3 oz.(6 tablespoons) per gallon or 1-1/2 teaspoons per quart
every 2 to 3 months and use to water your bonsai.

Bonsai Gold is made to maximize the benefit that trees get from their food.
Take a minute, and look over the information below.  You (and your Bonsai Collection) will be glad you did.

The key to a healthy bonsai is healthy soil. Bonsai Gold Premium Organic Fertilizer enriches and conditions
your soil each time you use it.   There is nothing safer and more effective for your entire bonsai collection.

Bonsai Gold Premium Organic Fertilizer used on it's own is a superior way to nourish bonsai.
It will stimulate the overall health and condition YOUR BONSAIwith a completely natural hormone-vitamin bio-stimulant.
It is a biologically produced liquid complex of micro-nutrients, vitamins, growth hormones (from liquid seaweed) and over 40
trace elements developed to balance and increase your soil's microbial activity.
Use it to bring your trees to a new level of health and vigor.