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PLEASE NOTE: If you purchase any bonsai on this page, you will receive the bonsai in the photo, not a look-alike.
All Chinese Sweet Plum Bonsai on this page are imported from China
The bonsai in the photo below is NOT available. It is an example of what a Chinese Sweet Plum can become in time.
Please see the list below for available Chinese Sweet Plums


Chinese Sweet Plum is a great choice for a bonsai which will be grown indoors.
While they do best in direct sunlight, they will adapt to indirect sun,
and do very well under Full Spectrum Fluorescents or LED Grow Lights.
On older trees (10 - 15 years & up), the dark bark peels exposing much lighter bark under it.
The multi-colored combination of old and new bark is striking.
All bonsai on this page were imported from China.

Item Code Name Price
PL1P-1 Chinese Sweet Plum $149.95 Photo
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