
Neem Oil Fungicide, Pesticide, Miticide Concentrate

A unique, environmentally friendly organic fungicide, pesticide & miticide derived from the botanical oils of the Indian Neem tree.
For centuries Neem Oil has been recognized as a safe, effective, organic fungicide, miticide & pesticide.
Schultz Garden Safe extracts the oils from the seeds of the Neem tree, resulting in an incredibly effective contact insecticde, fungicide & miticide.
Garden Safe Neem Oil kills harmful insects and mites in all stages of instar development (egg, larva, pupa and adult.)
Because Neem oil is not a chemical poison, it is not only safe for your bonsai, it's also safe to use on food crops up to & including the day of harvest.
Mix at 1 oz (2 tablespoons) per gallon of water. A 16 Oz. bottle makes 16 gallons of spray.

NO16 Neem Oil Fungicide, Pesticide, Miticide Concentrate $17.95 Buy Me