Bonsai tree supplies and bonsai trees - Bonsai of Brooklyn
Bonsai tree supplies and bonsai trees - Bonsai of Brooklyn  


Tracking Order

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Track Your Order
This Service is Provided By FedEx At No Cost To Our Customers

We send a FedEx Tracking Number e-mail to the e-mail address on your order on the day the order is shipped.  If the e-mail address is incorrect, or if you have a spam blocking program that sees the e-mail as junk mail, you may not have received it.
To track your package, Copy & Paste your 14 to 16 digit order number found below the "Bill To" information on the e-mail invoice you received into the box below, and click on "Track My Order.
If you can't find the number, e-mail us the name and order date, and we'll reply with the number.
The FedEx tracking system will usually produce results between 6:00 & 9:00 PM Eastern Time.
If you do not see any results after 9 PM Eastern Time, your package may not have shipped yet.

Most orders are shipped within 24 hours of receipt.  Orders that contain trees are held until the following Monday if shipping your order sooner will result in a weekend layover at FedEx
If you need further assistance, you can reach us by phone at 917-325-3954,
or by e-mail to