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Tip of the Week     #1

Welcome to our first installment of "Tips Of The Week". As this feature is for the benefit of visitors to this site, I would be happy to hear what you would like to see covered here in future weeks. Please direct your E-mail to

Spring is here. This is probably the busiest time of the year for bonsai enthusiasts. Following are some of the many things to remember:

1)-In temperate areas of the country, it's time to move your collection from their winter location to their summer location.
2)-Turn each bonsai out of it's pot & check the roots. If root pruning or re-potting is indicated, make sure you know what time of the year is best for that species.
3)-Fertilization schedules should be made. NOTE: A newly potted or root pruned bonsai should not be fertilized for a month.
4)-You probably haven't paid much attention to your tools lately. Check them out while you have the time. Oil & clean as necessary. A good tool cleaning block is invaluable.
5)-Plan ahead. Determine which bonsai will need re-potting. Have the appropriate pottery and enough soil ready, and don't forget the drain hole screens.

There are, of course MANY MANY more things to do in the spring. Make a list of the things that come to mind for your collection in your part of the country. A little preparation will go a long way toward a successful year. Above all, HAVE FUN. It's hard not to smile in the presence of a bonsai.

Interested in past articles? Click for your choice below.

#2-Forest Plantings

#3-Planning a trimming schedule

#4-Trimming Japanese Maples (And other trees with opposing Buds)

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