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Pre-bonsai stock is different from the untrained "Nursery Stock" you will find in your local garden center in that it has been raised and trained to eventually become a bonsai tree.  If you don't mind starting from scratch, you can achieve similar results in a few years by starting with raw nursery stock from your local garden center or nursery, and save a few dollars in the process.  If you're looking for something with a big head-start, this is the way to go.   Some of our imported pre-bonsai have been trained for decades by professional pre-bonsai growers, and the results speak for themself.
Following is a photo of a Dwarf Japanese Juniper as you might find it at a neighborhood garden center or nursery, and a photo of the same Juniper after it has been trimmed and trained at Bonsai of Brooklyn.

Before After
The object to the right of the tree in all the photos that follow is a ruler in inches.
It is there to help you judge the size of the pre-bonsai pictured.

Some pre-bonsai cannot tolerate a trip from the east coast to the west coast by ground shipping, which takes a full week (5 business days) to arrive.  Delivery time by UPS is guaranteed, delivery time by the U.S. Postal Service is not guaranteed.  If the shipping option you selected could jeopardize the safe delivery of your order, we will contact you.   You will have the option of switching to a faster (and more expensive) delivery option or canceling your order  This only applies to orders using the U.S. Postal Service or UPS Ground to 5 day delivery zones.  To see the transit time to your location, go to www.ups.com, click "Time in Transit" and put in our zip code (11223) and yours.

Due to agricultural restrictions, we do not ship pre-bonsai outside the U.S.A.

The following information relates to winter temperature requirements.
Our pre-bonsai on the following page are divided into three
main groups.
Temperate trees (black type) which need cold in winter
Sub-tropical trees (red type) which cannot tolerate cold in winter, and
Trees that can tolerate below freezing temperatures, but will survive in a winter environment that does not go much below (but not much above) 50.

Subtropical pre-bonsai should never go below freezing, and in many cases the 40's is too cold. Temperate pre-bonsai must be kept cold in winter. Some species can survive winter temperatures that get no lower than the 50's, but they can tolerate temperatures which go below freezing (
green type).
There is a huge difference in temperature range in the U.S. so there's no way to give you advice without knowing where you live. The listings on the following page shows the lowest and highest each pre-bonsai can tolerate in winter. Going above or below these limits can be harmful to your pre-bonsai, so if you need help deciding what species will do best in your part of the country, let me know what the normal winter low is in your area, and if you plan to keep your pre-bonsai outdoors or indoors.   Keep in mind that the above relates to winter care. From spring to fall, all pre-bonsai can take temperatures in the 80's and 90's as long as they are watered properly.
You can send an e-mail to Paul@bonsaiofbrooklyn.com or call us at 917-325-3954 during the day with questions about the above or any other bonsai questions you may have.

Please click the photo above for a listing of all our pre-bonsai trees.

If you have no prior experience making a bonsai from pre-bonsai material, please write or call us at 917-325-3954 before you order.   We will be happy to suggest the proper size pot and discuss what other items you might need for the material you are considering. We can also give you suggestions, including what time of the year is safest for re-potting it.  Please include the names(s) of the pre-bonsai you're considering, your city, state and what information you're looking for in your E-mail.   As with most other hobbies, there are many factors that determine whether the "do-it-yourself" approach is the best way for you to begin.
Unlike other bonsai web-sites you may have visited, we will send you the exact pre-bonsai in the photo.  The photos are replaced or the pages are removed every evening.   In the event that more than one person orders the same pre-bonsai before the index can be adjusted, the first to order will receive the pre-bonsai in the photo.   We will contact the other person(s) and offer either a substitute, or a refund.

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