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Pre-Bonsai Trees

Black Type indicates pre-bonsai that need cold winters
Green Type Indicates pre-bonsai that need cool to cold winters
Red Type indicates pre-bonsai that need warm winters
Blue Type indicates pre-bonsai that need warm winters
and can survive with good light but little direct sun

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   Represents the most recent additions to this section.

The object to the right of the tree in all the photos that follow is a ruler in inches.
Please Note: Many species we offer make fruit and/or flowers. Flowers last a few days,
fruit usually lasts 10 to 20 days. The photo you see is a "snapshot in time." It represents
the bonsai at the time the photo was taken. Some have less fruit or flowers when delivered,
some have more. Check our Testimonials page. Many customers comment that the bonsai looks better than its photo when they get it. As advertised, we send "The Bonsai in The Photo"
you ordered, but being a living thing, it will mature after the photo is taken.
Common Name Winter Temperature Range
Alberta Spruce 10 to 45 degrees Details
African Boxwood 50 to Room Temp Details
Barbados Cherry (Malpighia)                                Added 01/25 50 to Room Temp Details
Brazilian Rain Tree                                                 Added 02/07 50 to Room Temp Details
Brush Cherry                                                            Added 01/25 50 to Room Temp Details
Buddhist Pine(Podocarpus) 30 to Room Temp Details
Crab Apple (Malus) 20 to 60 degrees Details
Cypress Cedar (Cedrus Brevifolia) 20 to 50 degrees Details
Dwarf Black Olive 50 to Room Temp Details
Dwarf Japanese Juniper 20 to 50 degrees Details
Dwarf Natal Plum 55 To Room Temp. Details
Dwarf Pagoda Japanese Holly 25 to 45 degrees Details
Elephant Bush (South African Jade)                        Added 01/25 55 to Room Temp. Details
Mini-Leaf Elephant Bush                                      Added 01/29 50 to Room Temp Details
Ficus Too Little                                                       Added 01/22 45 to Room Temp. Details
Japanese Gardenia 55 To Room Temp. Details
Flaky Fir (Abies Squamata) 30 to 50 degrees Details
Ginkgo Biloba 30 to 50 degrees Details
Ginseng Ficus                                                       Added 01/22 50 to Room Temp Details
Green Island Ficus                                                   Added 01/29 50 to Room Temp Details
Assorted Japanese Maple 20 to 45 degrees Details
Lavander Starflower (Grewia)                                            Added 01/29 50 to Room Temp. Details
Variegated Parsley Aralia 50 to Room Temp Details
Serissa Snow Rose                                                      Added 01/23 55 To Room Temp. Details
Singapore Holly 50 to Room Temp Details
Thousand Star Serissa                                                    Added 01/23 55 To Room Temp. Details
Variegated Serissa                                                      Added 01/25 55 To Room Temp. Details